Home > Artworks > Mateu Pujadas Salomó

Photo of Mateu Pujadas Salomó Spain

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Mateu Pujadas, was born on April 16, 1956 in El Masnou, a coastal town three years Barcelona. rheumatoid arthritis suffered child which caused irreversible consequences in a child movilidad.Fue autodidact who began his interest in art making their ornaments and decorations to lápiz.A eleven, his uncle gave him his first three brushes and basic colors to óleo.Fue then when their parents found their artistic and put in the...

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19.69 x 24.02 in
9.45 x 12.99 in
9.45 x 12.99 in
18.11 x 21.65 in
12.99 x 16.14 in
13.78 x 10.63 in
16.14 x 10.63 in
18.11 x 14.96 in
7.48 x 10.63 in
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Mateu Pujadas, was born on April 16, 1956 in El Masnou, a coastal town three years Barcelona. rheumatoid arthritis suffered child which caused irreversible consequences in a child movilidad.Fue autodidact who began his interest in art making their ornaments and decorations to lápiz.A eleven, his uncle gave him his first three brushes and basic colors to óleo.Fue then when their parents found their artistic and put in the hands of the painter and sculptor Mr. El Masnou Josep Maria Martinez. Thus arose a great friendship, which ended in 2003 with the death of his maestro.A fourteen won first prize in the poster of the festivities of the people of his father, Alella (Barcelona). From then began his career as a painter, participating in contests and exposiciones.He here a summary. Competitions: 1971 First prize, cover Alella parties. 1994 Finalist, AVUI daily photo contest. 2004 Second Prize Photo Contest Masnou Exhibitions: 1976 to 1981 House of Culture of Masnou. Room 1998 Pati Llimona Montserrat Roig (Barna). Sala d\'Actes 1998 J.de Borbo LA CAIXA. (Barna). 1998 Exp.Fotografica Barcelona Centre d\'Imatge 1999 consorci the far room of the Barceloneta. 1999 Room of the barracks of the Guardia Urbana. (Las Ramblas of Barcelona). Servei Conex 1999 Room (Barcelona). 1999 Hall of Rheumatology Lliga Catalana. 1999 Room Consortium The Far (Barcelona). 2000 Room Hospital del Mar (Barcelona). 2001 Room Atl.Barceloneta Swimming Club. Civic Centre Room 2001 Barceloneta. 2002 Room Casa del Mar (Barcelona). 2002 Room Casal de la Caixa de Reus.Tarragona. 2003 Restaurant La Seu Rasquera.Tarragona. Center Building 2004 Room of Masnou. 2006 Post Office Gretsovka. Russia). 2006 Wine Museum Beziers. (France). 2006 Museum poet Javier de la Rosa (Canary Islands). 2006 City Council Mieza (Salamanca). 2006 Room Marc Sabata ACEAS Museum (Barcelona) 2008 House of Culture of Masnou. 2009 Espai de la Gent Gran de l\'Esquerra de l\'Eixample Barcelona. 2009 Hall of Novartis Barcelona Gran Via 764.

Individuals: 1983 Board Masnou Culture House. (Barna). The Centre Room 1998 Cabrils factory. (Barna) 2005 E. Pratt Museum of RibaCastellterçol.BNA

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